You’ve worked hard on generating great ideas for your blog. You’ve researched them thoroughly and fleshed out the main points in clear, simple language. You’ve even put together a nifty infographic that illustrates everything visually.
And yet, you’re just not getting the traffic, likes and shares you were hoping for.
What the hell’s wrong?
Why aren’t your blog posts getting results?
Well, that’s the thing.
Solid ideas are only part of the puzzle.
You must also deliver your message in a way that’s easily understood and digested by your readers. Some types of blog post are more effective than others at doing this, so they get better results.
Here are five types of blog post that are guaranteed to do wonders for your website traffic.
1. Lists
You can’t go wrong with lists. They’re a classic.
Visit any blog, and you’re bound to find several list-type posts. Some websites – BuzzFeed and Cracked, for example – have practically turned list posts into a business.
Lists are so popular because they break down information into concise, easily digestible chunks. They’re easy to follow, and your readers can scan them for the main points if they’re not in the mood to read the whole thing. Oh, and they’re also a breeze to write.
What’s not to love?
2. How To Posts
How To posts are what Google is for, aren’t they?
Whether it’s something as mundane as changing a flat tyre, growing tomatoes successfully in your badly lit studio apartment, or teaching Rufus the dog to do backflips on command, people look up how to do stuff all the time.
Like lists, how to posts are popular because they break down information into concise tidbits. They’re a list of actionable steps that are easy to follow and hard to mess up (unless you’re me trying to grow tomatoes in my badly lit studio apartment).
Whatever niche you’re in, how to posts are guaranteed to be a surefire hit with your audience. And if you’re in the mood to shake things up, you could even write a how NOT to post.
3. Case Studies
Case studies are posts that explain how you’ve helped past clients solve their problems.
Case studies make great posts, because they tell your story from the perspective of actual customers and give context to the value of your product or service. You also get to blow your own trumpet, but it won’t come off as shameless self-promotion because the post is actually useful.
4. Interviews
Interviews generate lots of traffic and are great for exposure.
Interviewing an industry influencer can strengthen your brand’s reputation and add weight to your blog. That person is also going to share your post with their audience, which will bring in lots of new traffic.
And writing an interview post is as easy as it gets. Just come up with the questions, and the rest will write itself. In fact, you don’t even have to write if you don’t want to. Just go for a video interview instead.
5. Product Reviews
If you sell goods, product reviews are a great way to shine a spotlight on products you want to push.
Product reviews also generate lots of organic traffic, because people tend to look up reviews when they’re thinking of buying something new. Just title your posts “[Name of Product] review,” sit back, and watch your organic search numbers grow.